Johnathan, you are a 22 year old millionaire! Surely you are able to find activities other than drug use to pass the time. Surely you are able to pay for more responsible friends! Is no one teaching morals to our kids? I, for one, am a moral person and I maintain that I am morally superior and would never partake in any activity that is so morally wretched (well except for that semester in college, but come on, that's college).
Johnathan, if you are reading this, I would like you to know that I will absolutely not be purchasing a jersey with your surname and assigned number for any of my seven children. Not a single one, and I don't care how much they cry. In fact, I will encourage anyone I know to take their Joseph jerseys and burn them in effigy immediately. Because you sir, are nothing more than a worthless pot head. Just thought you should know.
some of you will try to blame his "wrong side of the tracks" upbringing for not preparing him as a contributing member of society. But, I don't really care if he's black.
I thought you'd like that.
Wow, so much for freedom of the press.
Freedom of the press applies to your own press. I, however, reserve the right to remove any comments that I deem borderline racist and which make me incredibly uncomfortable to have published on my (our) own blog.
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